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Using an elective course as the starting model and executing a flipped classroom lesson

3 июня 2024 г.

Тарабанова Надежда Александровна и Шакирова Арайлы Далеловна, Учителя английского языка, НИШ г.Талдыкорган, Казахстан, Жетысуская область, г. Талдыкорган

Using an elective course as the starting model and executing a flipped classroom lesson

Using an elective course as the starting model and executing a flipped classroom lesson


Initially, the concept of a flipped classroom has gained a lot of influence and adoption in the teaching and learning process. Though started with flipped method with the basic idea that concepts are introduced through recorded lectures or through readings outside class and then class time is spent on activities and discussions. This enables the students to make sense to the content they are reading and responding or participating in group activities and class discussions.

In this paper, our idea was targeted on developing an intended course as a subject matter for employing a flipped classroom lesson to enhance the communicative competence of 7th-graders. This is why we intended to find out in this paper what potential this approach may have to promote students’ communication skills and increase their overall engagement in the learning process. To do this we proposed a research strategy that incorporated both the qualitative and quantitative research data collection methods in order to evaluate the success of the implementation of the flipped classroom model on enhancing students’ communicative skills.


In following the research method, for this research, the researchers sampled 50 7th-grade students from a local middle school into the elective course set for the study. In the very nature of the course, students’ communicative skills were incorporated throughout the course by using learn cooperatively activities and group discussions. We divided the students into two groups: the first group experienced conventional teaching methods and the second group was able to learn through a flipped classroom approach.

To determine the literacy levels of communicative competence of the two groups before any form of training, a pre- assessment communication questionnaire was completed by both groups including their ability to talk, listen and respond and how they initiated and maintained meaningful conversation. After the course ended, we wanted to know if there were any differences in students’ communicative expertise; therefore, we offered a post–assessment survey.

Self-generated: As part of evaluating the level of engagement, course facilitation and communication skills during the course, we also had to observe both groups’ activities during the course. Based on the communicative activities that students encountered while presenting their ideas, asking questions and discussing in groups a rubric was used to record the commendable performances.

Main Findings

Our findings about effectiveness of this approach for the development of students’ communicative skills based on the analysis of the results of this study, it is possible to state the following findings: Firstly, on the results of the experiment, we identified that students who are in the flipped classroom improve their ideas clarifying ability as well as the ability to engage in worthwhile social discussions as compared to students in the traditional classroom. This also conveys the idea that the flipped classroom model may be useful in improving the students’ communication skills because it offers more interaction.

Secondly, we found that there is increased student attitude as students in the flipped classroom group participate more during class than students in the traditional classroom group. This goes a long way in supporting the flipped classroom model which has an implication of enhancing the students’ interest in the subject and performance levels.

Moreover, analysis of the outcomes revealed that the students in the group reported a higher degree of critical thinking and problem-solving abilities when exposed to difficult communicative scenarios. It also shows that students are capable of solving the tasks in the framework of the flipped classroom model creatively and analytically, resulting in better skills in working with the material and in communication.

In conclusion, it can be stated that the idea of the first author to create an elective course as the basis for the implementation of a flip classroom lesson demonstrates a promising approach to facilitating language development among learners. In thus encouraging interactions, participation, and meaningful discussions, the flipped classroom approach can create the conditions that help learners improve their communication skills and connectivity, as well as the skills required for success in learning and work environments.

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