Конаршаева Айнаш Атабаевна, старший преподаватель, теоретическая фонетика, Базовый основной иностранный язык, Каспийский государственный университет технологий и инжиниринга им.Ш.Есенова
UDK 376.33
Konarshayeva Ainash Atabayevna
Caspian State University of Technologies & Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov
senior teacher
Annotation: In the given article the notion content of connected speech, monologue speech is analyzed, a monologic form of speech characteristics are revealed, its differences from dialogue speech, ways of studying connected speech of preschool age children, peculiarities of monologic utterances of children with a hearing disorder are examined.
Key words: connected speech, monologic utterance, children with a hearing disorder.
The problem of acquiring connected speech by children attracted attention of researchers in the field of linguistics, psycholinguistics, and pedagogy long ago.
At presence interest to this problem is still alive as far as connected speech is a reflection of child’s intelligence development (L.S. Vygotskiy, A.A. Leontiev, A.R. Luriya, N.N. Poddyakov, L.S. Rubinstein, A.F. Sokhin and others) plays social and communicative roles (A.G. Arushanova, T.I. Grizik, M.I. Lisina, O.E. Smitnova, and O.S. Ushakova), is connected with speech and language development of children (T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, A.M. Leushina. M.R. Lvov, E.M. Strunina).
From the point of view of linguistics connected speech is regarded as a unit of time possessing considerable length and which canbe divided into more/less complete (independent) parts [2].
In the limits of teaching a native language connected speech is regarded as an integral semantic and structural whole including connected between themselves and topically united complete segments (E.A. Barinova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.R. Lvov and others). A.V.Tekuchev considers connected that kind of speech which isorganized according to logics and grammar laws, is a unit, a system, has relative independence, completeness and is divided into more or less significant parts connected between [13].
From the point of view of methodology of preschool age children speech development semantic detailed utterance (a row of logically collocated sentences) providing communication and mutual understanding is understood by connected speech (M.M. Alekseeva, A.M. Borodich, V.I.Yashina), a detailed statement of certain content which is carried logically, successively and precisely, grammatically correctly and (A.F. Sokhin). In methodology the tern “connected speech” is used in three aspects.
Firstly connected speech has a procedural character and is a speaker activity.
Secondly it acts as a product, a result of this activity, in the form of a text or an utterance.
Thirdly it is correlated with a name of work section on speech development in preschool pedagogy. According to A.A. Leontiev, an utterance is a communicative unit (from a separate sentence to a whole text) complete in content and intonation, characterized by a certain composition and grammatical structure [9].
According to T.A. Ladyzhinskaya, M.R. Lvov an utterance is a certain speech production more than a sentence [7].
The researches of A.M. Leushina, L.S. Rubenstein showed that connected speech of the preschool age children may be situational (connected with a concrete, visual situation and does not reflect a thought content in speech forms) and context (the content is clear from the context, building of an utterance is required without taking into consideration the concrete situation with the help of only language means). Mainly situational speech has a character of a conversation and context speech - a character of a monologue [10].
Connectedness (L.S.Rubenstein), succession (E.P. Erastov, T.A. Ladyzhinskaya), integrity (A.A. Leontiev) and utterance logico-semantic organization (T.M. Dridze, N.I. Zhinkin, I.A. Zimnyaya and others) are basic characteristics of connected speech.
L.S. Rubinstein defined connectedness as speech framing adequacy of a speaker’s or writer’s thought from the point of view of its clearness for a listener [12].
In addition to these characteristics of connected speech A.A. Leontievnames integrity. He says that integrity is a feature of a text on the whole as a semantic unit, integral structure and is defined in the whole text unlike connectedness which is realized in its separated segments. Integrity is not correlated with linguistic categories and units; it has psychological nature [8].
E.P.Erastov, T.A. Ladyzhinskaya note that a widespread type of statement succession is a succession of complex subdominant relations: temporal, spatial, causative, qualitative. Statement succession disorder has always negative reflection on text connectedness [5].
According to N.P. Erastov, connected speech has four basic groups of connections. Logical connections (speech referring to the objective world and thought) belongs to the first group.
Functional-stylistic connections (speech referring to communication partners) belongs to the second group. Psychological connections (speech referring to communication spheres) are in the third group. Grammatical connections (speech referring to the language structure) belong to the fourth group [5].
Connected speech is in a form of a dialogue and a monologue, in a written or oral form. These forms of connected speech are contrasted with each other in scientific-methodological literature according to their correlation (A.A. Leontiev), communicative orientation, motives and target audience. A structure, language means character, a control degree and utterance planning (G.O. Vinokur, I.A. Zimnyaya, A.A. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, T. Slama-Kazaku, V.P. Yakubinskiy and others).
In a broad sense a monologue is an utterance by a single person which is not interrupted by any cues for a long time usually requiring preliminary preparation and is for a certain audience [11]. From the psycholinguistic point of view connected monologue speech is speech of a single person communicative purpose of which is informing about some phenomena, facts of objective reality (A.G. Zikev, I.A. Zimnyaya).
A main difference of a monologue from a dialogue is in the following:
has a one-sided and continuous character of an utterance (G.O. Vinokur, L.P. Yakubinskiy).
does not presuppose a word reaction of interlocutors, making a dialogue takes much time for preparation and longer preliminary deliberation.
a made program for a whole period of a speech report, usage of all kinds of control over speech activity process (current, subsequent and preemptive control) with the help of auditory and visual perception (A.A. Leontiev).
There are some kinds of functional-semantic types of a monologue speech: description, narration, creative narration, retelling (V.P. Glukhov, L.A. Dolgova, O.A. Nechaeva and others). According to a purpose an utterance id divided into informative (serves for knowledge transfer), persuading (is referred to audience emotions), stimulating (is directed to impel the audience to different kinds of activity) (A.G. Arushanova).
The researchers note that monologue utterances elements appear in speech of normally developing children at the age of 2-3 (T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, F.A. Sokhin,
O.S. Ushakova, L.P. Fedorenko and others). Preconditions for further development of monologue speech of preschool children is turning of external speech into inner are the age of 4-5 (A.A. Lublinskaya, A.R. Luria), end of the phonetic-phonemics speech development process and active acquiring a morphological. grammatical and syntactical structure of a native language (A. N. Gvozdev, O.S. Ushakovaand others). By the age of 4 the children are capable of acquiring such kinds of monologue speech as descriptionand narrationand by school education - reasoning (A.G. Arushanova, O.S. Ushakova, T. B. Filicheva) and by the age of 6 - the skill of planning monologue utterances (L. R. Golubeva, N.A. Orlanova).
The problem of studying connected speech in deaf-and-dumb pedagogy is in a number of works (R.M. Boskis, L.M. Bykova, E.E. Vishnevskaya, A.G. Zikeev, A.S. Zykov,
K.V. Komarov, K.G. Korovin, E.P. Kuzmicheva, Zh.I. Shif and others). However owing to the speech development specificity of the deaf and the hearing- impaired most researches touched dialogue speech forms. In the works of R.M. Boskis, S.A. Zykov, Zh.I. Shif peculiarities of written monologue utterances of deaf schoolchildren are shown due to a specificity of their speech development [3, 6, 14]. These peculiarities are in the following:
Up to early 70-s of the 20th century connected speech teaching was built on the basis of colloquial speech: children were asked questions, they replied [4]. As a rule, these utterances were unaddressed and were not stimulated by personal motives. Deaf children could make whole texts, narrations, descriptions from sentences built this way, direction to solving communicative tasks being absent [6].
Accordingly, monologue speech is one of connected speech types, has preconditions for further development and certain characteristics which differ it from dialogue form of speech. The problem of connected speech study is in few researches in the field of deaf-and-dumb pedagogy. However basically these researches are devoted to study of school age children’s with a hearing disorder written connected utterance. In this connection study of structure, content, used language means character, oral monologue utterance control and planning degree of preschool age children with a hearing disorder in comparison with hearing peers seems very important to us.
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