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30 ноября 2019 г.

Юсимбаева Салиха Хасановна, Старший преподаватель, Методика иноязычного образования, Каспийский государственный университет технологий и инжиниринга им.Ш.Есенова, Казахстан, Мангистауская область, Актау



In recent years, the question of the use of new information technologies in high school has been increasingly raised. This is not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The main purpose of teaching foreign languages is the formation and development of a communicative culture of schoolchildren, teaching practical mastery of a foreign language.

The teacher’s task is to create the conditions for practical mastery of the language for each student, to choose such teaching methods that would allow each student to show his activity and creativity. The teacher’s task is to intensify the student’s cognitive activity in the process of teaching foreign languages.

Modern pedagogical technologies, such as training in collaboration, a project methodology, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources help to implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of training and inclinations for knowledge.

The specifics of the subject “foreign language” is that the main component of the content is the means of activity - training in various types of speech activity: speaking, listening, reading, writing. To teach a student a different type of speech activity, it is necessary to provide practice in the form of speech activity that he is currently mastering.

Auditory-motor skills are on the basis of the formation of skills in any form of speech activity. Therefore, the priority in teaching foreign languages belongs to oral exercises. You can teach speech activity only in live communication. A computer program and a CD-ROM drive, however interactive they may be, can provide only quasi-communication. The exception is computer telecommunications, which allow you to enter into dialogue with a real native speaker partner.

Internet as a means of linguistic practice

Using the capabilities and resources of the Internet in training it is necessary:

- to include network materials in the content of the lesson (integrate them into the curriculum);

- for independent search for information in the framework of the project;

- for independent study, closing knowledge gaps;

- for independent preparation for the exam;

- for systematic study remotely under the guidance of a teacher.

Based on the specifics of the subject, knowing the didactic properties and functions of the Internet, its capabilities and resources, it is possible to determine for which didactic tasks certain services and resources of the network can be used. When using the capabilities of the Internet network, you must consider:

- whether the computer is equipped with a sound card, speakers;

- whether the computer is equipped with a video camera for holding video conferences with partners.

You must also consider the possibility of real access to the Internet. As for the sound card, most modern computers have it in their configuration. Using a camcorder or video recorders in Kazakhstan is an expensive service, and therefore not widely available. A real opportunity for the Internet that a teacher can count on is providing textual, audio, dynamic, or static graphic information.

Thus, the teacher can pick up some authentic reading materials on the topic of oral speech before the lesson in the school’s media library or from his home computer. If the computer has a sound card, you can record sound information (speech of political or state figures, interesting speeches on various topics of native speakers on various issues), reducing it to the necessary limits on your tape recorder.

          The Internet provides a unique opportunity to conduct an oral discussion of emails from project partners or to hold a discussion, discussion on one or another problematic information received from Internet resources. And also conduct a linguistic analysis of certain messages, oral or written statements of native speakers containing phraseological units, realities, idioms, proverbs, sayings, neologisms that reflect the specificity of the language being studied in the culture of the people; use at least fragmented works of art by the authors of the country of the language being studied, obtained in virtual libraries; use the material of electronic grammar guides, the exercises they offer, as well as lexical guides, dictionaries, guides of a regional geographic character. However, the listed examples of the use of Internet resources are not exhausted. Thus, using the information resources of the Internet, you can integrate them into the educational process, more effectively solve a number of didactic tasks in the lesson:

- to form reading and reading skills, using network materials of varying degrees of complexity;

- improve listening skills based on authentic audio texts of the Internet;

- improve the skills of monologic and dialogical statements based on the problematic discussion of network materials;

- to improve writing skills, individually or in writing, writing answers to partners, participating in the preparation of essays, essays;

- replenish your vocabulary, both active and passive, with the vocabulary of the modern foreign language, reflecting a certain stage in the development of culture, people, social and political structure of society;

- get acquainted with cultural knowledge, including speech etiquette, features of the speech behavior of various peoples in communication, features of culture, traditions of the country of the language being studied;

- to form a sustainable motivation of students’ foreign language activities in the lesson on the basis of the systematic use of “live” materials, discussion not only of questions to the textbook text, but also of “hot” problems of interest to students.

          The significance of information on the Internet lies precisely in the fact that you can always use the latest information or select a specific digest on this issue.

It is especially interesting to use Internet materials when working on a project. The teacher can search for various, sometimes even contradictory information on the network about a problem that is subject to discussion, research in a given period of time. By offering such materials to students in small groups, the teacher can set the task - to select information suitable for the problem under discussion, agree with it, take note of the work on the project, or, conversely, challenge it, of course, reasoned, which also requires facts, information. Moreover, each group working on its own problem can be offered relevant material on the issue of discussion. It can be selected by the teacher with the help of some students, or even transferred as a task to these students.

Similar work can be done with respect to listening. You can use other sources, in particular the most convenient - numerous programs on CD-ROMs. You can also use chat services (chat is a free conversation of users who are currently on their computer screens.), Teleconferences, or e-mail to get the opinion of native speakers, citizens of the country whose language is being studied on a particular problem, and discuss in the lesson different points of view (for example, presidential elections, events in different parts of the world, features of education in different countries, traditions of celebrating the same holidays in different countries, for example, Christmas, etc.). You can choose the necessary and interesting illustrations. Almost any in-school international project takes on completely different colors if materials taken from the Internet are used in the process of working on it.

However, the didactic capabilities of the Internet for organizing extracurricular activities of students in the field of a foreign language are much wider. The Internet is necessary to create the need for communication in a foreign language - written or oral. The most effective use of the network is to organize joint telecommunication projects with native speakers.

International telecommunication projects are unique in that they provide an opportunity to create a real language environment. No other methods and technical means allowed to create such conditions before. That is why teachers were forced to limit themselves to conditional speech exercises and situations in the lessons, since it is clear that any situation, any role-playing game in the lesson is a convention.

With their help, you can create motivation for foreign language statements, but you cannot form a genuine need and, accordingly, genuine communication. International projects that are organized on the Internet based on some common problem, the study of which is equally interesting and significant for partners, creates a genuine language environment. Project participants are preoccupied with thinking, researching, searching, collecting the necessary information, discussing it with each other and with partners.

And most importantly, the language here really acts in its direct function - a means of forming and formulating thoughts. This is a genuine learning environment, a real immersion not only in the problem being studied, but also in the foreign language activity itself, in another culture. The problem studied jointly can be anything: environmental, political, creative, historical, regional, linguistic, etc.

The main thing is that it is investigated, discussed by the project participants and solved in a foreign language, adopted for communication in this community of participants. When working on a project, almost the most diverse capabilities and resources of the Internet are involved. The search for the necessary information leads the project participants to virtual libraries, databases, virtual cafes and museums, to various information and educational servers.

The need for live communication with real partners draws its participants to the capabilities of email, newsgroups, chat technologies. The need to prepare a joint product of a project provided by each participant in their audience (in the classroom, at school) or on specially created for this purpose Web pages of the Internet requires access to text and graphic editors, and the use of various network programs that allow you to use graphics, animation, cartoons, i.e. multimedia tools.

Thus, the project becomes interdisciplinary. The participation of students in teleconferences, including online (in real time), chats, in which users from around the world take part (accordingly, such conversations are usually conducted in a foreign language), is an additional very interesting and useful opportunity for new contacts and real speech practice. During such discussions, there is not only an exchange of information, but also an acquaintance with the elements of another culture.




        1. International yearbook of educational and instructional technology 2004;

2. Efremenko V.A. The use of information technology in foreign language lessons // Foreign languages at school. - 2007. - No. 8.

3. Zakharova I.G. Information technology in education: Textbook. for the students of higher pedagogic educational institutions. - M.: Academy, 2007.

4. Polat E.S. The method of projects in foreign language lessons // Foreign languages at school. - 2000. - No. 2, 3.

5. Selevko G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on information and communication tools. - M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005.


30 ноября 2019 г.
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