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9 августа 2024 г.

Таранцова Татьяна Григорьевна, Учитель английского языка, КГУ ООШ №2 села Астраханка, Казахстан, Акмолинская область, Астраханский район, село Астраханка

Авторская работа "В мире грамматики"

Авторская работа "В мире грамматики"

    In the world of grammar

В мире грамматики

Грамматика әлемінде

(Авторлық бағдарлама)


With strict requirements and high standards imposed on the results of the educational process, an increasing role is given to grammatical phenomena of a foreign language.

As school practice shows, the development of grammatical material presents certain difficulties for students, as a result of which many often make mistakes in speech. The learning abilities of students are not the same: skills and abilities are formed at an individual rate, which causes the appearance of errors that differ in quality and frequency of use. Teaching grammar is one of the most important aspects of learning a foreign language

language, since full-fledged communication cannot occur in the absence of grammar.

Grammar elective is filling in grammatical gaps and maintaining basic grammar in active use.

The grammar elective is intended for those:

- who lacks grammar exercises in a basic textbook;

- who has a hard time with grammar;

- who makes a lot of mistakes in colloquial speech due to a superficial acquaintance with grammatical rules;

- who wants to learn English more systematically.

There is no doubt that knowledge of grammatical rules is necessary for successful language proficiency. English grammar causes, as a rule, the greatest difficulties for those who study English. In addition, not enough attention is paid to it in the school curriculum.

Short-term plan-10

Theme of the lesson

Present Simple and Present Continuous to talk about the future

Lesson objectives

to improve grammatical literacy by giving practical tasks on a given  topic of

Lesson action

Lesson period / time

Teacher's action

Student action



The beginning of the lesson

10 min

Greeting learners.

  1. the mood will rise
  2. will be ready for the lesson. answer questions

The method of "verbal encouragement"



The middle of the lesson

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. He (to work) in the city centre.
2. I (to write) an essay now.
3. You (to go) to school on Sundays?
4. We (not to dance) every day.
5. They (to play) in the hall now?
6. Where he (to live)? – He (to live) in a village.
7. He (to sleep) now?
8. They (to read) many books.
9. The children (to eat) cakes now.
10. He (to help) his mother every day.
11. You (to play) the piano well?
12. Look! Michael (to dance) now.



Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. Her father (not to watch) TV at the moment. He (to sleep) because he (to be) tired.
2. Where your uncle (to work)? – He (to work) at school.
3. Your friend (to do) his homework now?
4. When you usually (to come) home from school? – I (to come) at four o’clock.
5. My sister (not to play) the piano now. She (to play) the piano in the evening.
6. You (to read) a magazine and (to think) about your holiday at the moment?
7. I (to sit) in the waiting room at the dentist’s now.
8. When you (to listen) to the news on the radio?
9. You (to play) chess now?
10. My father (not to work) at the shop.
11. Look at the sky: the clouds (to move) slowly, the sun (to appear) from behind the clouds, it (to get) warmer.
12. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning.
13. What your friend (to do) now? – She (to wash) the dishes.
14. Your grandfather (to work) at this factory?


Правильные ответы:

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. works
2. am writing
3. Do you go … ?
4. do not (=don’t) dance …
5. Are they playing … ?
6. Where does he live? – He lives in a village.
7. Is he sleeping now?
8. read
9. are eating
10. helps
11. Do you play the piano well?
12. is dancing

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. is not (isn’t) watching TV… He is sleeping because he is tired.
2. Where does your cousin work? – He works at school.
3. Is your friend doing his homework now?
4. When do you usually come home from school? – I come at four o’clock.
5. My mother is not (=isn’t) playing the piano now. She plays the piano in the evening.
6. Are you reading a magazine and thinking about your holiday at the moment?
7. I am sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s now.
8. When do you listen to the news on the radio?
9. Are you playing chess now?
10. My uncle does not (=doesn’t) work at the shop.
11. Look at the sky: the clouds are moving slowly, the sun is appearing from behind the clouds, it is getting warmer.
12. I do not (=don’t) drink coffee in the evening. I drink coffee in the morning.
13. What is your sister doing now? – She is washing the dishes.
14. Does your father work at this factory?



Упражнение 3. Используйте глаголы в скобках в форме Present Continuous или Present Simple

  1. I __________English exercises twice a week. (to write)
  2. My friend ________ his homework in the afternoon as a rule. (to do)
  3. My sister  __________ her homework now. (to do)
  4. Don’t shout! The baby  _________ . (to sleep)
  5. The baby always___________ after dinner. (to sleep)
  6. What_______ you _________ now? (to read)
  7. What books_______ you_______for your literature lessons? (to read)
  8. What _________your mother usually________ for lunch? (to cook)
  9. ________ she  __________a cake now? (to cook)
  10.  — _____________ (You, to see) that man over there? —  Which man? The man in the brown jacket? —  No, I___________ (to talk) about the man who __________(to wear) the blue shirt. —  Oh, that man!— ____________ (You, to know) him? — No, I _____________( not to think)  so.  —  I ___________(to know, not) him either.

Упражнениe 4. Используйте глаголы в скобках в форме Present Continuous или Present Simple

  1. My wife normally __________ (work) at home, but she __________  (spend) this month in Italy.
  2. Most days, Tom usually__________ (cycle) to work.
  3. When________ the lesson __________  (start) today?
  4. What’s your brother doing? He __________  (do) the crossword in the newspaper He __________ (do) it every day.
  5. I’m afraid I’ll lose this game of chess. I__________ (play) very badly. I usually ______much better (play).
  6. What’s she doing? — She __________ (mend) her husband’s socks. She always__________ them. (mend)
  7. Yes, you can borrow my dictionary. I __________ (use) it a lot, but I __________ (not / use) it now.
  8. We __________  (not travel) by train very often.
  9. She ______________ (be) particularly generous this week.
  10. It _____________ (snow) right now. It’s beautiful! I ____________ (like) this weather.

Упражнениe 5. Используйте глаголы в скобках в форме Present Continuous или Present Simple

  1. The river___________ (flow) very fast today — faster than usual.
  2. You ___________ (always to complain) that waiters are rude!
  3. I ___________ (walk) to school every day. I ___________ (take, not) the bus.
  4. You ___________ (always to borrow) money!
  5. That’s worrying because the number of people without job___________  (increase).
  6. Robert is a vegetarian. He ___________ (eat, not) meat.
  7. ___________ (you, cook) your own dinner every day?
  8. Holidays abroad ___________ (become) increasingly popular.
  9. Are you in a hurry? — No, I ___________ (walk) quickly because I’m cold.
  10. Where’s your father? — He ___________ (be) in the bathroom. He ___________ (shave).
  11. The neighbours forever___________  (slam) doors and___________  (shout) during the night.
  12. My sister ___________ (to take) part in the competitions almost every weekend.


Упражнение 3.

1. write, 2 does, 3 is doing, 4 is sleeping, 5 sleeps, 6 are you reading, 7 do you read, 8 does…cook, 9 is she cooking, 10 do you see / am talking / is wearing /do you know / don’t think /don’t know

Упражнениe 4.

1. works /is spending, 2 cycles, 3 does the lesson start, 4 is doing /does, 5 am playing / play, 6 is mending/mends, 7 use /am not using, 8 don’t travel, 9 is being , 10 is snowing /like

Упражнениe 5.

1 is flowing, 2 are always complaining, 3 walk / don’t take, 4 are always borrowing,  5 is increasing, 6 doesn’t eat, 7 do you cook, 8 are becoming, 9 am walking, 10 is /is shaving, 11 are forever slamming and shouting, 12 takes

Performs exercises










Performs exercises






Тапсырманы орындайды


Стикрелер арқылы,

Түрлі түсті жалаушалар арқылы,

«Бес саусақ» әдісі арқылы










Интернет, моноблок, электронды тақта









End of lesson

5 min

Creates feedback







Short-term plan-11

Theme of the lesson

Present Simple and Present Continuous to talk about the future

Lesson objectives

to improve grammatical literacy by giving practical tasks on a given  topic of

Lesson action

Lesson period / time

Teacher's action

Student action



The beginning of the lesson

10 min

Greeting learners.

  1. the mood will rise
  2. will be ready for the lesson. answer questions

The method of "verbal encouragement"



The middle of the lesson

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative and superlative degrees of following adjectives

hard   _____________     ______________

cold   _____________     ______________

soft    _____________     ______________

tall     _____________     ______________

rich    _____________     ______________

mad   _____________     ______________

funny _____________     ______________

big     _____________     ______________

sad    _____________     ______________

busy  _____________     ______________

noisy _____________     ______________


Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative and superlative degrees of following adjectives –

foolish   _____________     ______________

harmful  _____________     ______________

poisonous_____________     ______________

valuable   _____________     ______________

difficult   _____________     ______________

generous  _____________     ______________


Exercise 3. Complete the sentences

A. Write the comparative form of the adjectives

1) Ann is ___________ (happy) than her sister.

2) My hair is ______________ (long) than my sister’s hair.

3) These exams are getting ___________ (bad) and ___________ (bad) every year.

4) John is ____________ (thin) than Bob.

5) Steve is _____________ (happy) today than he was yesterday.

6) Mary’s car is ____________ (large) than Mark’s car.


B. Write the superlative form of the adjective:

1) I am _____________ (tall) in the class.

2) This is _______________ (expensive) hotel I’ve ever stayed in.

3) This road is ______________ (narrow) of all the roads in California.

4) New York is one of the ______________ (busy) cities in the USA.

5) Jack is _____________ (good) football player in the team.

6) North Pole is _______________ (cold) place on Earth.

7) My father is ______________ (generous) of all the people I know.                           


C. Insert comparative or superlative form of the adjective:

1) I think John is _____________ (happy) now than the year ago.

2) His _______________ (big) desire is to return home.

3) She is probably ________________ (angry) person I know.

4) Today’s weather is ____________ (bad) than the yesterday’s.

5) My brother is ___________ (young) than me.

6) He drove _________ (fast) and __________ (fast) till we told him to stop.

7) ______________ (many) people want to be rich


Performs exercises










Performs exercises






Тапсырманы орындайды


Стикрелер арқылы,

Түрлі түсті жалаушалар арқылы,

«Бес саусақ» әдісі арқылы










Интернет, моноблок, электронды тақта









End of lesson

5 min

Creates feedback






The relevance of the course lies in the fact that students who want to be successful in the field of professional activity that requires knowledge of a foreign language will have practical benefits. Studying the course will help students gain work experience at the level of increased requirements, develop the educational motivation of students, prepare them both for passing the exam and for successful study at a specialized school.

The purpose of the elective: to provide an opportunity for the student to realize his interest in the subject, to expand his horizons in the field of philology.

The program is aimed at finding new forms and techniques that will allow the means of this subject to combine the work of education and the development of students' perception into a productive creative process.


  Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер;

1. Английский язык для студентов технических вузов в. 2 частях ч. 2 : Учебное пособие / Под ред. С.А. Хоменко и В.Ф. Скалабан. - Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 2006. - 207 c.
2. Фобии: Терминологический словарь (английский, русский, польский, татарский языки) / Под ред. В.И. Хайруллина. - М.: Ленанд, 2014. - 104 c.
3. Английский язык для гуманитариев: Учебник / Под ред. Золотовой М.В., Горшеневой И.А.. - М.: Юнити, 2017. - 192 c.
4. Английский язык для гуманитариев: Учебник / Под ред. М.В. Золотовой, И.А. Горшеневой. - М.: Юнити, 2013. - 368 c.
5. Английский язык для гуманитариев: Учебник / Под ред. М.В. Золотовой, И.А. Горшеневой. - М.: Юнити, 2016. - 368 c.

Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер тізімі:

1. Аяпова т., Укбаев Д. Английский язык: учебник общеобразовательной школы. - Алматы: Атамура, 2001. - [с. 28-31]

2. Калышева т. дидактические игры в обучении английскому языку. Методика преподавания английского языка.  № 1. - [с. 3]

3.АяповаТ., Абильдаева З. Английский язык: учебник общеобразовательной школы. - Алматы: Атамура, 2002. - [160 С.]

4.Ибрагимова С. Е. практикум по повышению навыков аудирования и понимания, речи.  // Респ. пед. журн. "Мастер-класс". — 2009. - № 11 –[ 46-с.]

5. сеть Интернет



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9 августа 2024 г.
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